برنامج معرفة توقيت بلدان العالم Sharp World Clock 6.0 : تحميل مباشر

التكنولوجيا الجديدة الحديثة فى أروع صورها ليست ساعة
عادية تزين بها سطح مكتبك لكن موسوعة تشمل العالم بأكمله ... كل دول العالم وقاراته وبلداته وعواصمها ما تعرفها
وما لاتعرفها وما لم تسمع عنها ... مواقيت كل الدول والأعلام الخاصة بكل دولة ... موقعها على الخريطة الإستوائية ...
مدار القمر فيها ... موقعها من البحر أو المحيط أو الدول المجاورة لها ... شىء خرافى بمعنى الكلمة ... والأروع أنك إذا
حددت دولة ووضعت مؤشر الماوس عليها وحركته تتنقل بك إلا كل كبيرة وصغيرة الوقت الموقع والكثير الكثير الكثير

This is the home of the Sharp World Clock - perhaps the most sophisticated and beautiful World Time program for Windows that you will find anywhere on the web. It is not only a universal time piece with almost every function you can imagine, using the most sophisticated and modern programming techniques - it can even improve your knowledge with Country Flags and State Borders on its built-in World Map and is intuitively and easy to use.

Due to the always up-to-date Daylight Saving rules (with web update), this program will always tell you the exact time of every country on earth. It also tells the precise Sunrise and Sunset time for each location and even the Moon Phase. There is a built-in Time Zone Converter, a multiple Alarm Clock and a Calendar with reminder plus Atomic (Internet) Time Synch, System Tray mode and Always-On-Top mode.

Thanks to the always up-to-date implementation of Daylight Saving (DST) rules (for every time zone, with web update), this program will always tell you the exact time in every location on earth. It also shows the precise Sunrise and Sunset time for each location and even the current Moon Phase as well as the date of the next full moon and new moon. There is a built-in Time Zone Converter/Calculator, a multiple Alarm Clock and a Calendar with reminder plus Atomic (Internet) Time Synch, System Tray mode and an Always-On-Top mode. A powerful and easy-to-use RSS/Atom Feed Reader with search function keeps you in touch with your favourite news feeds from the internet! Hide and show the program window with a simple mouse click at the tray icon! Ready for multi-monitor-environments and Windows Vista.

الحجم : 6 ميجا

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User : megauplaod
pass : 123456

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