برنامج الحمايه العملاق من مايكروسوفت Microsoft Security Essentials : تحميل مباشر

البرنامج ذاع صيته فى الاونة الأخيرة كأحد أفضل برامج الحماية من الفيروسات على الساحة برنامج متكامل يحميك من كافة الأخطار كالفيروسات و التروجانات بأنواعها و كذلك يحميك من الرسائل البريدية المفخخة الذى يميز هذا البررنامج عن غيره كونه خيفيا جدا على النظام عكس برامج الحماية الأخرى التى يسبب معظمها بطئا ملحوظا فى النظام بالإضافة إلى كونه مجانيا لا يحتاج الى تفعيل

Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) offers award-winning protection against the Internet intruders including viruses, trojans, worms and spyware. MSE is built for individuals and small businesses, but it’s based on the same technology that Microsoft uses to protect giant businesses (security products like Microsoft Forefront, the Malicious Software Removal Tool, and Windows Defender). Microsoft has a whole team watching for new threats and coming up with ways to squash them. Microsoft Security Essentials is efficient and compact. Scans and updates are scheduled to run when the PC is idle and the software works in a way that your PC is still snappy when you’re using it. All this makes Microsoft Security Essentials friendly for all sorts of computers – your old PC, your new PC, your laptop, as well as your little netbook.
Microsoft Security Essentials uses green, yellow and red color codes to designate the security status of your PC and a color-coded icon in the taskbar tells you at a glance if your attention is needed. It’s simple – when you’re green, you’re good. However, if there’s a red or yellow threat, MSE will alert you and recommend what to do (you can act directly from the notification area without having to enter the application).
Downloading and installing Microsoft Security Essentials is free (Your PC must run genuine Windows to install Microsoft Security Essentials) and easy. Once you have installed it, the software updates automatically once a day. We’re constantly tracking new threats and we keep your PC updated to help protect you. You don’t have to do anything.

Size : 12 Mb

حساب بريميوم للتحميل من موقع Megauplaod

User : megauplaod
pass : 123456



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