برنامج ربط الايفون والايباد بجهازك وتصفح محتوياتهم iExplorer v3.3.2.1

iExplorer v3.3.2.1

البرنامج الشهير للكثير .. يستخدم لتصفح محتويات الايفون او الايباد او الايبود
حيث يمكنك تصفح مجلدات التطبيقات و قائمة الاسماء و الرسائل و الصوتيات و الفيديو
و يمكنك عمل نسخ احتياطيه للملفات او نسخ أي مجلد او تعديل ملفات و الكثير من المزايا

iExplorer (formerly called iPhone Explorer) is the ultimate iPhone, iPad and iPod manager, which lets you use an iPhone or iPad in disk mode, like a flash drive. iExplorer is an iPhone browser or iPad file explorer that runs on Mac & PC that lets you browse the files and folders on your iPhone as if it were a normal USB flash drive or pen drive. You can use the easy drag-and-drop methods to add or remove files and folders from the iPhone. Compatible with all iPhones and iPod Touches including the new iPhone 5 and iOS 7 firmware. iExplorer hacks into your iPhone so you don’t have to break it. We’ve figured out ways to control the iPhone even better than iTunes, and the best part is, all you need to do is plug any iPhone, iTouch or iPad into the computer.

iExplorer is 100% free, fully functional and not bundled with lots of crappy toolbars or other stuff to messup your computer.

It works on Mac OSX 10.6 – OSX 10.9, and it’ll run on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. It works with both 32 and 64 bit systems.
Now supports iOS 7, iPad Air, iPhone 5s, 5c and all other iDevices.
Requires iTunes 10 or later.

الحجم : 10 ميجا

حساب بريميوم للتحميل من موقع Megauplaod

User : megauplaod
pass : 123456

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