برنامج ترتيب وتغيير شكل سطح المكتب XWidget Final

هو برنامج لتغيير شكل سطح المكتب فالبرنامج يعطيك بعض الأدوات الرائعة لتحسين مظهر الويندوز وإخراج صورة سطح المكتب بشكل رائع .

XWidget - portable version of the new platform to change the appearance and functionality of the Windows desktop by installing special mini-applications You can to your liking to decorate the desktop,and completely replace the system of the gadgets Windows 7.

The main features of xWidget:
- a beautiful and user-friendly interface;
- quite a lot of ready-made customizable widgets;
- user-friendly graphical interface for configuring and adding widgets;
- built-in editor widgets, allowing you to not only edit the already existing widgets, but also to create their own;
- low consumption of system resources.

الحجم : 8 ميجا

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